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17.02.2008 12:10 - Забравените песни на демокрацията
Автор: alagin Категория: Забавление   
Прочетен: 1602962 Коментари: 527 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 17.02.2008 16:46

В този постинг просто искам да ви припомня едни от най-емблематичните песни, които всички скандираха след историческия 10-ти ноември. Поводът е никакъв, днес случайно се замислих над това, колко може да бъде късопаметен един народ... Останалото е изречено от поетите.

Асен Гаргов-Развод ми дай 
Стоим със теб на кръгла маса
в едно квартално кафене -
ти член на Партията наша, 
а аз на СДС.

Но не в това е днес проблемът
и моят повод за развод -
аз просто вече нямам време -
остана ми половин живот.

Развод ми дай, развод ми дай
и повече не ме мъчи.
Вземи панелите, трабанта,
но въздуха ми остави.

Кокетна си сега, флиртуваш
и искаш брака да спасим,
но аз си зная колко струваш
под тази маска и без грим.

Познавам всяка твоя дума,
характера ти зъл и див
и мисля, че е цяло чудо
как в този брак останах жив.

Богдана Карадочева, Стефан Димитров и Васил Найденов - Молитва за България
Защо не заминем на някъде,
дай да си купим билети.
Има толкова влакове,
кораби и самолети.

Къде ли е остров Ява?
Къде ли е остров Малта?
На сън не ни се явяват,
на яве още по малко.

Докога все така ще я караме,
докога, докога, докога?
Господи, дай на България
път, светлина, свобода!

Насън все стихийни бедствия,
на яве яма след яма.
А колко превозни средства,
в нито едно ни няма.

А някъде, някъде, някъде,
хората все са на път.
А ние седим и чакаме
сам да ни дойде светът.

Щурците - Аз съм просто човек
Аз не съм комунист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм нихилист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм антихрист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз съм просто човек.
Аз съм просто човек!

Аз не съм екстремист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм шовинист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм терорист и никога няма да бъда.
Аз съм просто човек.
Аз съм просто човек!

Обичам синьото небе, обичам земята.
Обичам твоето лице, обичам светлината.
Обичам вашите ръце-зовящи свободата!
И мразя всеки, който ми пречи да бъда Човек!

Аз не съм бюрократ и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм технократ и никога няма да бъда.
Аз не съм тарикат и никога няма да бъда.
Аз съм просто човек.
Аз съм просто човек!

Аз не съм комунист, аз не съм нихилис,
аз не съм шовинист, аз не съм терорист,
аз не съм антихрист, аз не съм екстремист.
Аз съм просто човек!

Аз не съм бюрократ, аз не съм технократ,
аз не съм тарикат, аз не съм плутократ,
аз не съм психопат, аз не съм общопризнат.
Аз съм просто човек!

Аз не съм милитарист, аз не съм маоист,
аз не съм ционист, аз не съм каратист,
аз не съм ленинист, аз не съм утопист.
Аз съм просто човек!

Аз не съм сталинист, аэ не съм рецидивист,
аз не съм националист, аз не съм колективист,
аз не съм товаист, аз не съм оноваист.
Аз съм просто човек!

Щурците - Последен валс
С теб танцувам последния валс,
да си вземем сбогом, любима,
ще те помня до сетния час
с теб танцувахме цяла година.

Благоденствие ти обеща
и нали беше млада, свенлива,
аз повярвах на тази лъжа
с нея ти беше много красива.

Последен валс, сбогом, любима,
ще си спомням за теб дори
и под новото име.

За промяна говореше ти,
но понеже, обаче, защото.
Дума дупка не прави нали,
път на Изток откри към Европа.

И сполука дори предвеща,
но дори и това ти прощавам,
сто лъжи или сто и една
на раздяля зло да забравим.

НЛО - Партии любими
Когато бях едва ли не хлапе,
кариера знаех вече как се прави.
Проучиха ме, влязох в БКП -
властта тогава пазеше се здраво.

Помислил ли е някой за преврат,
от членството зависеше и щата.
Получих пост, видях пари и свят,
но после се обърнаха нещата.

На СДС тогава станах член -
на други хора вече казвах "братя".
Брада си пуснах, скитах всеки ден
по митинги, накичен със плакати.

Това - добре, обаче нямах власт.
Ех, казах си "земя поне да имам".
И станах земеделец бързо аз,
но как от град във село да замина?

Направих много грешки аз преди,
но верен път налучках ми се струва.
На изборите, който победи,
при него домандатно ще членувам.

Ах, мили мои, партии любими,
аз ще бъда с таз", която е на власт!

Васко Кръпката - Комунизмът си отива
Държавна е земята,
отровени полята,
замърсена е водата
и подтисната душата.

Подстригана косата,
обръсната брадата,
печати по краката,
но менят се времената.

Комунизмът си отива,
спете спокойно деца.

От света ни заградиха,
в диверсия обвиниха,
в милицията ни биха
и медал си закачиха.

В резиденции се скриха,
лагери построиха,
историята изкривиха,
но нещата се промениха.

Диктатори сменяват,
отново управляват,
лъжата си остава,
заборчава таз държава.

Архиви унищожават,
хората отчуждават,
в чужбина заминават,
но борбата продължава. 

Валди Тотев - Вдигни очи
Това е вече краят на дългата измислица, 
че сме живели в рая на всички времена. 
Това е вече краят на тази сива приказка, 
която ни остави на края на света... 
Отлетелите мечти - връщат се при нас... 

Вдигни очи! Виж този свят - 
животът днес върви напред,
а не назад...
Вдигни очи! Светът е с нас - 
вдигни очи и знай, 
ти имаш шанс.

Реката виж - и тя върви по своя път,
край своя бряг... И бентът се руши, 
и днес - днес няма път назад...

Диана експрес - Утре започва от днес
Нищо не ми обещавай за утре. 
Днес вече ценя всяка минута. 
И какво от това, че ще има гора 
в моя панелен комплекс...
Искам цвете едно, но сега - 
защото утре започва от днес. 

Нищо не ми обещавай за утре. 
Днес искам да имам удобни обувки. 
И какво от това, че светът е широк 
щом обувката - тясна...
То е все едно да умра преди да порасна. 
Нищо не ми обещавай за утре. 
Днес вече ценя всяка минута. 
И надувам тръбата дори срещу вятъра, 
не за слава, богатство и чест, 
а да чуят всички, или само някой: 
утре започва от днес!

Сборна формация - Времето е наше
Колко ли сезона ще отминат, 
за да видим слънцето в очите? 
Колко брегове ще се измият,
и съдби... Съдби ще се преплитат? 

Колко ли надежди разпилени, 
като пясък има по земята? 
Може ли мечтите неродени, 
да спасим... Сега, оттук нататък?

Четиридесет и пет години стигат! 
Времето е наше!  
Колко още време ни остава?
Минало... И бъдеще... И днешно?
Не за спомен. Не и за забрава
време за надежда и човечност.



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1. chara - късопаметен - да:-)
17.02.2008 14:02
но какво да се прави - няма как да си "внесем" друг от някъде
това е с което разполагаме ...
2. анонимен - благодаря
27.10.2010 13:35
Благодаря ти! Търсех текстовете на някои от песните на демокрацията, защото ми трябваха цитати за моя статия и попаднах на твоя блог. Казал си го чудесно: "Поводът е никакъв, днес случайно се замислих над това, колко може да бъде късопаметен един народ... Останалото е изречено от поетите."
Мога само да добавя, че уви, ежедневието в България ни предлага десетки поводи да се замислим колко късопаметен може да бъде един народ.
Още веднъж ти благодаря,
Даниела Горчева,
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31. анонимен - Does this site not have an ignore feature?
01.12.2011 13:54
Those people that haven't seen [url=http://shaunasandnude.typepad.com]shauna sand nude[/url] will be quite surprised with such photos like that I have prepared.

She was born in Florida and I have to say that you can see that by her tan. Oh yeah, she has beautiful skin even now at the age of 38. You probably didn't know she is that many, right? Have a look at [url=http://daniellepanabakernude2.typepad.com]danielle panabaker nude[/url] and you will be amazed even more. Do you know why? Well, in my own opinion I would say this is all thanks to her healthy lifestyle and exercising every single day. Sounds kind of easy but when you start doing the same I am sure that half of you will step back from that and continue to live unhealthy life. Tough choice, but you have to make a decision quick as life is pretty shorter than you think.

I have one photo of her that differs from the rest as she is so hot on it that when I was masturbating on it, it took me only one minute to cumm the whole screen. I am talking about that kind of pic where she is underwater in her bikinis and she smiles to the camera. You can see there he nipples through her shirt and some nice shots on her gorgeous ass too.

Well boys and girls that was nice I think and some of you might even masturbate on them, right? Oh, yeah, girls also like [url=http://natalieportmansextape2.typepad.com]natalie portman sex tape[/url] as she is very popular among lesbians as well.

First I saw [url=http://zacefronsexy.typepad.com]zac efron sexy[/url] nude was in Watchmen, however she was stripping out in a lot of different movies as well.

Man I think you should know that this review about [url=http://kimcattrallsex.typepad.com]kim cattrall sex[/url] was prepared by sick me. No, not mentally, although I think I have some headache. The point is that I have an incredible pain in my tooth and the dentist that I go to is not working today. Damn, what a bad situation there. I have tried some painkillers in the morning but that was lame you know as it helped me only on about five minutes or something. Then I thought "I can't let my readers down because they have got to see [url=http://merylstreepnude1.typepad.com]meryl streep nude[/url] as I promised I'll do that for them. So this is why, I went on my balcony and opened my safety closet where I hide some weed on a bad day. Well, today is pretty bad I said to myself and that's why I lighted it up. Man, the pain has gone in about one minute and while I was smoking that stuff I barely forgot what I should do. Anyway, thanks to that joint you can see this post and a lot of her nice pictures from Watchmen and some other movies where she has flashed us with either her tits or ass which is also not bad at all.

Ok, let's say goodbye to each other and I guess I'll see all of you back here together on Sunday or something. If you liked this website pretty much then why don't you put it in your bookmarks?

She is not old at all as 38 is just a number. I mean who cares about the age when it comes to watching [url=http://queenlatifahnaked.typepad.com]queen latifah naked[/url] and stuff like that? By the way, this is exactly what I offer you today.

Now you just have to listen to me as I won't repeat twice. This photo of her that I am willing to tell you about will blow your head and penis off. If you want to masturbate on it then please think about it as you may cumm all yours computer table and monitor as well. Yep, that's how hot she is on that picture and let's say you agreed to do that.

She is standing in the middle of nowhere that looks like a desert or something to me. Do you know what she is wearing there? Absolutely nothing, except for that fishing net which she holds to cover her goodies and pussy too... But I have to say we still can see her right boob nipple and I can bet this was made on purpose. Yeah, that's right, you can zoom that picture in and then you will see what I am talking about.

Man, she has the most amazing body I have ever seen. For her age this is pretty nice looking woman that looks younger and sexier than a lot of female celebrities I know and that are under 35. You should definitely see [url=http://jenniferanistonnakedpics.typepad.com]jennifer aniston naked pics[/url] and wearing absolutely nothing as only that way you can see her body and enjoy by that. By the way I hope you have done with your masturbation during my review.

If you can't believe that those pictures of [url=http://melindaclarkenude1.typepad.com]melinda clarke nude[/url] are real then I don't blame you. Let's start the show with this quote by her anyway.

"I really love pouring myself into a character for several months and leaving her, ... Pouring myself into someone for a long time is very intimidating to me."- says [url=http://jenniferanistonpussy1.typepad.com]jennifer aniston pussy[/url]. She says that she loves to live her character's life and this is pretty easy to understand as her life is probably pretty boring. Just kidding by the way... How come a life of an actor or actress can be boring? That's impossible I guess.

I wonder what's happening when she has to play some whore that loves to get tapped. Wouldn't that mean we can see [url=http://drewbarrymoreboobs.typepad.com]drew barrymore boobs[/url] walking in her apartment as some kind of practicing? If that so, then I would secure her house 24 on 7. Moreover, I think I would just knock to her door and wait until she opens however this is ridiculous. It would be much better to get inside the house through the window. Oh yeah, whatever you do to see her naked.

Ok, I'm pretty flattered and tired because this review has took a lot of power from me and that's why I need to recover a bit so that on the next day, let's say tomorrow, you would have something to read and someone to look at as I am going to find the other celebrities with their gorgeous nude photos by that time. See you quite soon so don't miss me much.

Welcome to [url=http://hollymadisonsex.typepad.com]holly madison sex[/url] website featuring her finest photos absolutely bare and without her clothes. You should be pretty happy as this woman won't let you go anywhere else so enjoy.

To warm you up somehow here is a quote by [url=http://maureenmccormicknude1.typepad.com]maureen mccormick nude[/url]. "By the time I'm 80, I want to have played almost every role." I hope when she is 80 we will be able to see that because nobody wants to die, right? Moreover, I wish she made it till that age and maybe we will see her playing some grandma or other old lady. But her background is already quite solid I would say as she has a lot of roles played till now. It seems that she wants more, a lot more than that. She wants to play a lesbian, policeman, doctor and some other characters. Well, what can I say? She is 38 years old right now and she still has got like 42 years in advance to do that. Wow, it seems to be pretty much to me. Anyway, she can play three or four times more roles than she has already did. Let's wish her good luck on this.

If you allow me, then I would like to start characterizing her sexuality and some separate gorgeous body parts. After that, I will put here a list of movies where you can see [url=http://bradleycoopernaked1.typepad.com]bradley cooper naked[/url] and not just that. But for now, let's do our first job.

I think it would be nice to mention her hairstyle first as many people are inspired by that and they try to imitate it as well. [url=http://ushernaked1.typepad.com]usher naked[/url] likes to do something in the style of 50's or something and this is what so many people like to copy too. I can understand her and in fact, this hairstyle is way more glamour than modern ones. It is a pleasure watching her like that and especially if she wears some clothes from 50's as well. I guess she likes those times although she has never lived there.

Ok, we have done with her hairstyle and now it is time to go a bit further and see something else. How about [url=http://michellerodriguezsexscene.typepad.com]michelle rodriguez sex scene[/url]? Those babies are quite big and I am just sure she knows that. I wonder is it hard for her to sleep on her belly, or she does it only on her back. Also, is it comfortable to run with that heavy accessory? Well, the only thing I can tell on this count is that watching how [url=http://jenniegarthnude.typepad.com]jennie garth nude[/url] is running would be something every man would love to be a witness of. Marvelous tits, so elastic and natural as well...

Now let's see some movies with [url=http://gemmaartertonsexy.typepad.com]gemma arterton sexy[/url] playing there. First up is Jaded and here you will be able to see two main scenes of her and who knows, maybe you might want to masturbate on them. Why? Well, just because if that first scene you will be able to see her big tits while she is seating against the wall and all wet after taking a shower. Her nipples exposed perfectly so expect to see them too. The other scene is happening on the beach where you will be able to see [url=http://imogenthomasnaked.typepad.com]imogen thomas naked[/url] and even her pussy will be noticed in that one.

The other movies are as followed: Sin City with her naked appearance and couple of other scenes where you will see her bare big boobs, Judas Kiss featuring some love scene of her and some other guy. In that one there can be noticed that she exposes her ass right in the camera so don't miss that as well.

This is something like conclusion quote by [url=http://elizabethmitchellnaked.typepad.com]elizabeth mitchell naked[/url] and it is about what it is like to be a celebrity. "You just became the most important person on the planet." I don't think that she is the most important person on our planet, but having [url=http://paulaabdulnaked.typepad.com]paula abdul naked[/url] is kind of important and pretty hard. I believe she was trying to say that a few years ago you are just a person and now you can count yourself popular as you know so many people out there love you and they will do anything you want. But if you are a celebrity you shouldn't be too much proud of yourself as that is a sin. Just stay popular and be modest. Help people and love people because you know that they love you as well. And finally, try to be closer with your fans and let them know that you're not more special than they are.

And that my friends, is what I call the end.
32. анонимен - Were The London Bombers Actually Suicide Bombers?
07.12.2011 02:05
Those people that haven't seen [url=http://katiepricetits1.typepad.com]katie price tits[/url] will be quite surprised with such photos like that I have prepared.

She was born in Florida and I have to say that you can see that by her tan. Oh yeah, she has beautiful skin even now at the age of 38. You probably didn't know she is that many, right? Have a look at [url=http://christyhemmeplayboy1.typepad.com]christy hemme playboy[/url] and you will be amazed even more. Do you know why? Well, in my own opinion I would say this is all thanks to her healthy lifestyle and exercising every single day. Sounds kind of easy but when you start doing the same I am sure that half of you will step back from that and continue to live unhealthy life. Tough choice, but you have to make a decision quick as life is pretty shorter than you think.

I have one photo of her that differs from the rest as she is so hot on it that when I was masturbating on it, it took me only one minute to cumm the whole screen. I am talking about that kind of pic where she is underwater in her bikinis and she smiles to the camera. You can see there he nipples through her shirt and some nice shots on her gorgeous ass too.

Well boys and girls that was nice I think and some of you might even masturbate on them, right? Oh, yeah, girls also like [url=http://vidyabalansex.typepad.com]vidya balan sex[/url] as she is very popular among lesbians as well.

First I saw [url=http://umathurmansex1.typepad.com]uma thurman sex[/url] nude was in Watchmen, however she was stripping out in a lot of different movies as well.

Man I think you should know that this review about [url=http://madonnanudepics1.typepad.com]madonna nude pics[/url] was prepared by sick me. No, not mentally, although I think I have some headache. The point is that I have an incredible pain in my tooth and the dentist that I go to is not working today. Damn, what a bad situation there. I have tried some painkillers in the morning but that was lame you know as it helped me only on about five minutes or something. Then I thought "I can't let my readers down because they have got to see [url=http://shannontweedsexscenes.typepad.com]shannon tweed sex scenes[/url] as I promised I'll do that for them. So this is why, I went on my balcony and opened my safety closet where I hide some weed on a bad day. Well, today is pretty bad I said to myself and that's why I lighted it up. Man, the pain has gone in about one minute and while I was smoking that stuff I barely forgot what I should do. Anyway, thanks to that joint you can see this post and a lot of her nice pictures from Watchmen and some other movies where she has flashed us with either her tits or ass which is also not bad at all.

Ok, let's say goodbye to each other and I guess I'll see all of you back here together on Sunday or something. If you liked this website pretty much then why don't you put it in your bookmarks?

She is not old at all as 38 is just a number. I mean who cares about the age when it comes to watching [url=http://ellenpagesex.typepad.com]ellen page sex[/url] and stuff like that? By the way, this is exactly what I offer you today.

Now you just have to listen to me as I won't repeat twice. This photo of her that I am willing to tell you about will blow your head and penis off. If you want to masturbate on it then please think about it as you may cumm all yours computer table and monitor as well. Yep, that's how hot she is on that picture and let's say you agreed to do that.

She is standing in the middle of nowhere that looks like a desert or something to me. Do you know what she is wearing there? Absolutely nothing, except for that fishing net which she holds to cover her goodies and pussy too... But I have to say we still can see her right boob nipple and I can bet this was made on purpose. Yeah, that's right, you can zoom that picture in and then you will see what I am talking about.

Man, she has the most amazing body I have ever seen. For her age this is pretty nice looking woman that looks younger and sexier than a lot of female celebrities I know and that are under 35. You should definitely see [url=http://gwenstefanihot.typepad.com]gwen stefani hot[/url] and wearing absolutely nothing as only that way you can see her body and enjoy by that. By the way I hope you have done with your masturbation during my review.

If you can't believe that those pictures of [url=http://oliviamunnnipslip.typepad.com]olivia munn nip slip[/url] are real then I don't blame you. Let's start the show with this quote by her anyway.

"I really love pouring myself into a character for several months and leaving her, ... Pouring myself into someone for a long time is very intimidating to me."- says [url=http://tangweinude.typepad.com]tang wei nude[/url]. She says that she loves to live her character's life and this is pretty easy to understand as her life is probably pretty boring. Just kidding by the way... How come a life of an actor or actress can be boring? That's impossible I guess.

I wonder what's happening when she has to play some whore that loves to get tapped. Wouldn't that mean we can see [url=http://sandrabullockfakes.typepad.com]sandra bullock fakes[/url] walking in her apartment as some kind of practicing? If that so, then I would secure her house 24 on 7. Moreover, I think I would just knock to her door and wait until she opens however this is ridiculous. It would be much better to get inside the house through the window. Oh yeah, whatever you do to see her naked.

Ok, I'm pretty flattered and tired because this review has took a lot of power from me and that's why I need to recover a bit so that on the next day, let's say tomorrow, you would have something to read and someone to look at as I am going to find the other celebrities with their gorgeous nude photos by that time. See you quite soon so don't miss me much.

Welcome to [url=http://tarynmanningnude.typepad.com]taryn manning nude[/url] website featuring her finest photos absolutely bare and without her clothes. You should be pretty happy as this woman won't let you go anywhere else so enjoy.

To warm you up somehow here is a quote by [url=http://aliciasilverstonehot.typepad.com]alicia silverstone hot[/url]. "By the time I'm 80, I want to have played almost every role." I hope when she is 80 we will be able to see that because nobody wants to die, right? Moreover, I wish she made it till that age and maybe we will see her playing some grandma or other old lady. But her background is already quite solid I would say as she has a lot of roles played till now. It seems that she wants more, a lot more than that. She wants to play a lesbian, policeman, doctor and some other characters. Well, what can I say? She is 38 years old right now and she still has got like 42 years in advance to do that. Wow, it seems to be pretty much to me. Anyway, she can play three or four times more roles than she has already did. Let's wish her good luck on this.

If you allow me, then I would like to start characterizing her sexuality and some separate gorgeous body parts. After that, I will put here a list of movies where you can see [url=http://kategarrawaynude1.typepad.com]kate garraway nude[/url] and not just that. But for now, let's do our first job.

I think it would be nice to mention her hairstyle first as many people are inspired by that and they try to imitate it as well. [url=http://michellerodriguezsexy.typepad.com]michelle rodriguez sexy[/url] likes to do something in the style of 50's or something and this is what so many people like to copy too. I can understand her and in fact, this hairstyle is way more glamour than modern ones. It is a pleasure watching her like that and especially if she wears some clothes from 50's as well. I guess she likes those times although she has never lived there.

Ok, we have done with her hairstyle and now it is time to go a bit further and see something else. How about [url=http://roselynsanchezdesnuda.typepad.com]roselyn sanchez desnuda[/url]? Those babies are quite big and I am just sure she knows that. I wonder is it hard for her to sleep on her belly, or she does it only on her back. Also, is it comfortable to run with that heavy accessory? Well, the only thing I can tell on this count is that watching how [url=http://christinahendricksbikini.typepad.com]christina hendricks bikini[/url] is running would be something every man would love to be a witness of. Marvelous tits, so elastic and natural as well...

Now let's see some movies with [url=http://emilyvancampnude1.typepad.com]emily vancamp nude[/url] playing there. First up is Jaded and here you will be able to see two main scenes of her and who knows, maybe you might want to masturbate on them. Why? Well, just because if that first scene you will be able to see her big tits while she is seating against the wall and all wet after taking a shower. Her nipples exposed perfectly so expect to see them too. The other scene is happening on the beach where you will be able to see [url=http://natalieportmanass1.typepad.com]natalie portman ass[/url] and even her pussy will be noticed in that one.

The other movies are as followed: Sin City with her naked appearance and couple of other scenes where you will see her bare big boobs, Judas Kiss featuring some love scene of her and some other guy. In that one there can be noticed that she exposes her ass right in the camera so don't miss that as well.

This is something like conclusion quote by [url=http://asiaargentohot.typepad.com]asia argento hot[/url] and it is about what it is like to be a celebrity. "You just became the most important person on the planet." I don't think that she is the most important person on our planet, but having [url=http://jenniegarthnude.typepad.com]jennie garth nude[/url] is kind of important and pretty hard. I believe she was trying to say that a few years ago you are just a person and now you can count yourself popular as you know so many people out there love you and they will do anything you want. But if you are a celebrity you shouldn't be too much proud of yourself as that is a sin. Just stay popular and be modest. Help people and love people because you know that they love you as well. And finally, try to be closer with your fans and let them know that you're not more special than they are.

And that my friends, is what I call the end.
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